Resources to prepare for the AZ-500 Exam : Microsoft Azure Security Technologies

Microsoft Certified Associate


If you are reading this post, you are interested to learn more about Azure Security Technologies and pursuing the Azure Security Engineer Associate Certification.

As a pre-requisite you must succesfully complete the Exam AZ-500: Microsoft Azure Security Technologies.

I had the opportunity to pass this exam when was on Beta, so I retrieved some resources that can help you to prepare towards the exam.

There are many Azure Services that are covered on the exam Like Azure AD,Azure Key Vault, Azure Web Apps, Log Analytics, Azure Monitor among others.

But don’t panic!, just to summarize the skills measured as detailed on the exam site :

  • Manage Identity and Access
  • Implement Platform Protection
  • Manage Security Operations
  • Secure Data and Applications

If you are interested on a 5 day Intructor led training take a look at the Course AZ-500T00-A: Microsoft Azure Security Technologies

Here’s the list of resources grouped by Official Documentation and hands-on Labs:


Information from

Quickstart: Register an application with the Microsoft identity platform
Registering your application in Azure AD
What is Azure AD Privileged Identity Management?
Start using PIM
How it works: Azure Multi-Factor Authentication
Configure Azure Multi-Factor Authentication settings
Frequently asked questions about Azure Multi-Factor Authentication
Overview of the Azure Policy service
Quickstart: Create a policy assignment to identify non-compliant resources
Azure Policy definition structure
Lock resources to prevent unexpected changes
Azure Monitor overview
Analyze log data in Azure Monitor
Get started with Azure Monitor Log Analytics
Using shared access signatures (SAS)
Delegating Access with a Shared Access Signature
Always Encrypted: Protect sensitive data and store encryption keys in the Windows certificate store
What is Enterprise Security Package in Azure HDInsight
Enterprise Security Package preview for Azure HDInsight
Secure access to data in Azure Cosmos DB
Securing data stored in Azure Data Lake Storage Gen1
Configure App Service with Application Gateway

Hands on Labs:

From the Hands-on Labs gallery I would recommend you to complete the following labs:

  • Manage, Secure, and Optimize migrated Azure workloads
  • Creating NSG, Policy and tags
  • Adding endpoint protection and customizing the portal
  • Secure and Monitor Azure Netwokk Services
  • Azure SQL Database, the Developers’ Cloud Database

Also complete the Secure your cloud data Learning Path on Microsoft Learn

If you are looking for a guided hands on labs experience, sign up for free at

From time to time I personally deliver some of this sessions.

Happy learning!

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